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Монгол Japan

  • Intellectual property rights

    I want to protect the idea and trademark as intellectual property rights, but...…


  • Technology transfer

    I want to import and transfer the technology to Mongolia. I want to solute the technology problems…


  • Translation

    I want to translate the material which requires high-level technological knowledge. Searching for a translator…


  • Cooperation

    Searching for organizations which are interested in Mongolian market...


Ask about business advice from an expert!!
  • Patent attorney (Mongolia)

    We will give a high-level service with our job experience in Japan.

  • Best solution

    Using our advance in an electronic engineering, We will solute the problems related to solar battery and renewable enery.

  • Technological translation

    Documents and technological materials which require a high-level technological knowledge will be translated by alumnus and doctors who got engineering degree in Japan.



The 21st century is an era of globalization and also called Asian era. Let's look the world from Mongolian steppe.